Judo Water Filter Easy Filt Bal 1″ Self Cleaning
- Financial and Smart solution for the treatment of suspended particles and salts.
- Placed in the central network supply.
Protects effectively:
- Hydraulic installations
- Household appliances
- Taps
- Flushing toilets
- Washing machines
- Solar boilers
Technical Characteristics:
- Provided by: 2,7 m³/h
- Maximum pressure drop: 0,2/0,5 cash
- Maximum pressure: 10 cash
- Mesh gap: 0,1 mm
- Weight: 2,5 kg
- Ο cleaning the filter is done without interrupting the water supply
- Transparent housing for easy identification of impurities in the filter screen
- Six ισχυρότατοι magnets to prevent salt deposition
- Simultaneous cleaning the glass internally with the two wipers on the filter rotation mechanism
- Monthly reminder indicator last cleaning
- Prophylaxis against germs thanks to the stainless steel screen
- No need for change glas
- Long life span - Financial - operation without problems
- Manufactured in Germany
Self-cleaning water filter ideal for networks with high pressures.